Friday, July 6, 2007


Aidan is "cooing" up a storm. When he speaks he uses a soft voice and he is playing with combining different sounds, most of which are inaudible. He has been saying "ao", which means blue in Japanese. "Ah-goo" is quickly coming in as the 2nd most popular sound heard from Aidan. I have also heard some "u" and "wo" but no "e" sounds yet.

Japanese trivia: Japanese refer to the green light on traffic lights as "ao". Some dictionaries state that "ao" means blue or green but "midori" is used for green in all other situations.

1 comment:

endunham said...

Hi there!
I've just google it since I did not know the answer. According to the web site called ALC, it's because a newspaper wrote the first traffic green light in blue "AO" even if it was literally green in 1930. Since then, calling a green light "AO" became common for people although the law for standardizing the name of green light has issued in 1947. Generally, a range of blue "AO" indication against objects is quite wide; for instance, we sometimes call a green apple "AOI RINGO". Isn't it funny, hah?